Pool opening with reservations only

Mosling Recreation Center Pool Guidelines Phase 2 through July 31

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention there is no evidence that the virus that causes Covid-19 can spread through properly treated pool or hot tub water. 

  • Swimmers will follow the Mosling Recreation Centers rules for social distancing and personal hygiene.

  • Stay home when you are sick, especially with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or any Covid-19 symptoms.

  • The Mosling Recreation Centers safe plan is as follows:

- The Rec Center staff will sanitize the pool deck and shower/toilet area 

after each member uses the pool.  This will be cleaned with a Wizywash wand and sage caplets used for sanitizing the deck, furniture, showers and toilets.  

- The pool and hot tub levels will be maintained to the appropriate  

            disinfectant level recommended. Any pool with adequate disinfection will 

inactivate corona virus, so careful attention will be paid to ensure that the

pool and hot tub have adequate disinfectant, proper ORP values and 

proper re-circulation. 

  • Drinking foundations will not be available to drink out of.  Our refill station will be open to refill water bottles.  Please bring your own water bottle.

  • Noodles and kick boards will be provided, but will be sanitized after each use.  Please bring your own goggles.  We will not be providing goggles.

  • There will be someone on the property to ensure that guidelines and regulations are followed.  The manager, staff member or committee member may be appointed to perform these duties.

  • Deck furniture will be spaced out and some removed until further notice.

  • A sanitizing station will be at door members enter and at door members exit.  We are asking that members using the pool or hot tub enter through the front door and exit through the door in the pool area to the parking lot.  

  • We are asking that members come to the Rec in their swimsuit and leave in their swimsuit. 

  • Pool reservations are required. These reservations are required. These reservations are good for 45 minutes which includes using the shower before and after pool use. The staff will have a 15 minute window to sanitize the deck and shower area before the next swimmers come in.   

  • Showers must be taken before entering the pool or hot tub. 

  • Two members at a time are allowed in the pool.  If a family would like to swim they will have the pool by themselves and they could have a pool for an extended time depending on demand. We will be using both locker room shower areas.  One swimmer in each bathroom unless family.

  • Classes in the pool can be scheduled, but 6 feet distancing from one another and staggering in the shower area will need to be followed.